施焊操作要领/ Welding Notes
1.焊接高度和位置参见批准的车间制作图纸。For thewelding heights& locations refer to the approved shop drawings.
2.点固焊工艺应与本焊接工艺相同,不得有任何缺陷。Spot or tackwelding process must be the samewith this WPS, no defects permitted.
3.严格控制层间温度。Strictly control the interlayer temparatures.
4.每次焊道的摆动宽度不大于焊条直径的5倍. Weaving at every pass shall not exceed 5 times the diameter ofweldingwire.
5.焊工应严格执行焊接安全操作规程。Everywelder must fully follow thewelding safety instructions.
6.焊道厚度不大于焊条直径加2mm。Diameter of everywelding pass shall not exceed 2mm plus thewire diameter.