Design of cleaning Mechanism for cylinder
Abstract:In this paper, a series of studies have been carried out on the cleaning machine equipment for the structural components of the cylinder.The specific contents of the research are as follows: the first chapter's task is to study some of the cleaning machines and equipment of cylinder structural components in our country and western developed countries.Some differences between our country and the western countries in this field are understood through comparative analysis, and a clear direction is provided for the future development and catch-up.The main task of the second chapter is to design the general basic scheme of cleaning machine equipment for cylinder structure components, and analyze the basic structure and basic requirements of the basic cleaning object in this paper.And the basic process of the cleaning process and process design determination and so on.The main task of the third chapter is to design the hydraulic system of the cleaning machine.This includes the introduction of the principle of the basic transmission of the whole hydraulic type, and the analysis and introduction of the basic function of the components of each of the basic hydraulic types.The main task of the fourth chapter is to design and analyze the specific structure of the cleaning machine and equipment of the cylinder structure parts. Firstly, the cleaning device of the inner wall position of the oil cylinder cleaning machine equipment is selected and designed.Secondly, the cleaning equipment of cleaning machine equipment is selected and designed. Finally, the shaft structure part is designed and analyzed, and the working intensity is checked finally, it is proved that the cleaning device meets the working intensity.
Key words: oil cylinder;cleaning machine;Hydraulic;check
1绪论- 1 -
1.1课题研究背景以及意义- 1 -
1.1.1课题研究基本背景- 1 -
1.1.2课题研究基本意义- 1 -
1.2国内外油缸结构清洗设备的研究分析- 2 -
1.3研究的基本内容及途径- 4 -
1.4本章小结- 4 -
2油缸清洗设备的总体设计- 5 -
2.1油缸清洗机器设备的方案- 5 -
2.2待清洗设备及要求- 5 -
2.3清洗作业的基本流程的确定- 6 -
2.3.1油缸设备的清洗作业的必要性- 6 -
2.3.2清洗作业基本流程: - 6 -
2.4清洗作业的基本方案- 6 -
2.4.1清洗剂介质的选取- 6 -
2.4.2高压载荷的水射流清洗- 7 -
2.4.3清洗头部件的确定- 7 -
2.4.4工作台部件设计- 8 -
2.5内壁位置清洗作业分析- 9 -
2.6外壁位置清洗作业分析- 10 -
2.7本章小结- 11 -
3液压体系设计- 12 -
3.1液压体系设计- 12 -
3.1.1总体的基本设计- 12 -
3.1.2液压传动作业的基本原理- 12 -
3.1.3各基本原件的使用功能- 13 -
3.2油缸设备的设计- 14 -
3.2.1油缸设备的基本参数大小的确定- 15 -
3.2.2液压类型的油缸设备作业压力载荷大小的确定- 15 -
3.2.3速比参数大小(φ) - 16 -
3.2.4液压类型的油缸设备内径大小和活塞杆结构件直径大小确定- 16 -
3.2.5其它地方的基本尺寸大小的确定- 17 -
3.2.6液压类型的油缸设备的基本壁厚大小的确定- 17 -
3.2.7缸筒部件的基本长度大小L - 17 -
3.3辅助类型的基本元件- 18 -
3.3.1管道构件- 18 -
3.3.2油管的基本厚度大小- 18 -
3.3.3油管部件的基本厚度大小- 19 -
3.4本章小结- 20 -
4清洗机器设备的结构部件设计- 21 -
4.1内壁清洗结构的选择- 21 -
4.2外壁清洗作业的基本参数- 22 -
4.3轴的载荷大小分析- 22 -
4.4本章小结- 24 -
5结论- 25 -
参考文献- 26 -
致谢- 27 -